Sunday Morning Bible Study

The Sunday morning Bible Study is studying the Gospels by using Jesus: A Study on the Words of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John by David Steele and Diane Bahn.
This study presents Jesus’ ministry in chronological order. The study focuses on the reliability of the Scriptures and seeks to grant the student a better understanding of Jesus’ ministry in perspective to itself and the nuances each Evangelist used in recording the events and teaching of Jesus’ life in their Gospel.
Pastor is leading this study through videos. Join us every Sunday (September – May) at 10:30 for this great study. Videos will be added as they are recorded.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Each Wednesday morning at 10:00 during the school year, our congregation gathers in the Annex for study of the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions to receive God’s grace and be refreshed in their faith walk. We are currently studying the Gospel of John.
Lutheran Youth Fellowship
On one Sunday of each month (September-May), the youth (grades 7-12) will gather in the Youth Room for a short devotional, followed by our Pizza & Pop Fellowship, complete with games and other fun activities. At other times throughout the year, the youth will come together to put their faith into action through various servant projects. The year culminates with the annual Higher Things Youth Conference.
Men’s Bible Breakfast
Men of all ages are invited to gather around God’s Word, a warm cup of coffee, and a wonderful breakfast the second Saturday of each month. We are currently going through Blessed Is the Man, a series of studies for men in the Psalms.
Women in the Word
A group of women periodically join around a kitchen table with a cup of coffee, a sweet treat, and God’s Word to grow together in their knowledge of the Scriptures and to be empowered by Christ’s love to go forth into the world around them. They would love to have any and all ladies join them, no matter your station in life. Want to join this Bible study? Contact the Church Office for directions to this in-home study.
Wrestling with Theology Podcast
Pastor’s Wrestling with Theology podcast has on-demand access for a study of the Bible as well as the Lutheran Confessions. He is currently looking through the history surrounding the Reformation in the Confessional Corner on the fourth Monday of the month. He is Digging Deeper into Revelation on Thursdays. Every episode may be found on the podcast’s feed, but it is broken down a little easier on the podcast’s website.